Our Ministries
Getting Involved

Leadership Opportunities

Worship Adult Education Board The Adult Education Board is responsible for providing varied and interesting programs …. Read more >>

Children's Board The Children’s Board at GCC is dedicated to developing a sense of community for the youngest members. …. Read more >>

Confirmation and Youth Board The Confirmation and Youth Board is focused on the Christian educational programs of GCC …. Read more >>

Fellowship BoardThe Fellowship Board plans activities throughout the year for all ages to socialize and enjoy some …. Read more >>

Finance Board, What We Do; Responsible for all the fiscal affairs of the church, Prepare and present an annual budget…. Read more >>

Memebership Board The Membership Board is primarily focused on welcoming people to the Glenview Community .….Read more >>

Mission Outreach Board works to educate and encourage the congregation to join in hands-on mission .Read more >>

Music Board The Music Board at GCC facilitates the music program and supports the music staff throughout the year.......Read more>>

Pastoral Care Board The Pastoral Care Board is devoted to the development, coordination and operation of …. Read more >>

Properties Board is responsible for the care and custody of the real and personal property of the Glenview Community Church.…. Read more >>

Service and Sacraments Board works with the ministerial staff to develop, coordinate and participate in worship services at GCC.…. Read more >>

Stewardship Board The Stewardship Board plays an important role in helping the Glenview Community Church reach. …. Read more >>

10:00 AM - Worship In the Sanctuary

10:00 AM - Church School

11:00 AM - Fellowship Time in
The Mayflower Room

Handicap Ramp in the Front Entrance circle Drive
Elevator in the West Entrance
Audio amplification (for the hearing impaired)
Ask an Usher

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• Simple Gifts Concert Series
• Stewardship
• Job Opportunities
• open and affirming

• Hands of Peace
• scouts
• Village Treasure House
• Equal Exchange


Teaching & Learning
Mission Outreach
Glenview Community Church • 1000 Elm Street • Glenview, Illinois 60025 • 847.724.2210